Nurse-led health and wellbeing specialists, RedArc have joined GRiD, the industry body for group risk. As added-value services are now an integral part of Group Risk products, and as a long-established provider to the Group Risk market, RedArc has joined GRiD to work even more closely with insurers advisers and other suppliers in the development… Continue reading →
News & Info
During illness, trauma or bereavement, talking to someone outside of family and friends, most valued by 77%
During illness, either mental or physical, trauma or bereavement, RedArc found that having someone to talk to outside of immediate family and friends was the aspect most valued (77%) by those who sought their professional support.1 Other valued aspects included being made aware of everything that was available to the individual (64%) such as the… Continue reading →
Carer’s Leave Act: Five ways employers can do more, from RedArc
The Carer’s Leave Act1 comes into force from 6 April 2024, and means employers will be required to offer their employees up to one week’s unpaid leave per year to give or arrange care for a dependant. While, nurse-led health and wellbeing company, RedArc accepts this is a step in the right direction, it believes… Continue reading →
RedArc: Women are twice as likely to access support via their partner’s insurance as vice versa
International Women’s Day on Friday 8 March 2024 Analysis of RedArc’s claims data shows that women are twice as likely to access health and wellbeing support as a benefit of their partner’s insurance claim1 than vice versa. This reflects the fact that not as many women have insurance, so they also don’t have direct access… Continue reading →
One in four of those supported by RedArc were helped back to work
According to RedArc’s patient survey data, the nurse-led health and wellbeing company helped one in four of those it supported to stay in work or return to work. At a time when long-term sickness absence is a pressing concern for the government and many employers alike, RedArc is pleased to be supporting those who are… Continue reading →
Specialist health and wellbeing support will mean better outcomes in 2024, says RedArc
Employers who offer health and wellbeing support, and the insurers who embed it as added value, must ensure that it is delivered by specialists in order to get the best health outcomes for individuals, says RedArc as it delivers its predictions for 2024. With public health high on the political agenda for 2024, the nurse-led… Continue reading →
RedArc increases outbound telephone support for the lonely and bereaved over Christmas
RedArc’s nurses are providing additional support for those experiencing loneliness or bereavement at this time of year. For many years, RedArc has created a Christmas support plan for the individuals that it believes are most vulnerable to these issues over the festive period. By putting in extra calls to those who are receiving bereavement support… Continue reading →
Prioritising in-the-moment support over more in-depth care could be a risky strategy, warns RedArc
RedArc is warning that prioritising in-the-moment support, such as offering access to Virtual GPs and Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), over the type of support that is required when an individual is diagnosed with a long-term or chronic health condition could be a risky strategy, as the support may not be adequate. Longer-term conditions need support… Continue reading →
COVER Excellence Awards 2023
COVER is delighted to confirm all the winners and highly commended entries for this year’s Excellence Awards. The best and brightest of the protection and health insurance industry came together at the Leonardo Royal St Pauls in London to celebrate the COVER Excellence Awards 2023. Hosted by comedian Lucy Porter, the ceremony drew 350 protection… Continue reading →
RedArc: seven ways to assess the value in added-value health and wellbeing support services
As insurers see a need to create ongoing relationships with their customers; and employers understand the business advantages of offering health and wellbeing support to their staff, the number of added-value services is growing exponentially, from access to digital GPs and employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to specialist mental health support and long-term support for physical… Continue reading →