Beware of inflexible support when choosing how to look after the health and wellbeing of staff

Employers are being warned about selecting employee benefits that are too inflexible in the way they support the health and wellbeing of employees. RedArc, the nurse-led health wellbeing service, believes that although employers are doing the right thing in proactively providing health and wellbeing support for staff, they need to be cautious about overly prescriptive… Continue reading →

Perfect storm brewing if eldercare is not addressed in the workplace

RedArc is warning that a woeful lack of eldercare support for employees and the current recruitment crisis in the domiciliary sector has created a perfect storm, meaning employers risk losing staff who have responsibilities for looking after elderly or frail family members. Christine Husbands, managing director for RedArc says: “Whether care is required urgently or… Continue reading →

Health and wellbeing support will become increasingly comprehensive in 2022, says RedArc

Workplace health and wellbeing support will become increasingly comprehensive and sophisticated in 2022, according to RedArc, the nurse-led wellbeing service. Christine Husbands, managing director for RedArc says: “The year the pandemic arrived really took the wind out of employers’ sails but those who already offered comprehensive health and wellbeing support would have felt that their… Continue reading →

Children-specific bereavement support within employee benefits is underutilised

Bereavement support for children is often embedded within employee benefits but is too often underutilised according to RedArc, ahead of Child Grief Awareness Day on 18 November 2021. The nurse-led health and wellbeing service believes this deficit is due to a lack of employer awareness that children-specific bereavement support is in fact often embedded into… Continue reading →

People who most need mental health support struggle to get it

There are a lot of support services that offer mental health support, however many do not cater for more complex and enduring mental health issues, such as severe depression, trauma and psychiatric disorders. Many support services are only limited to mild to moderate mental health issues, such as low mood and anxiety, for instance via… Continue reading →