Providers, intermediaries and employers need to do more to support the forgotten fifteen per cent of workers who would benefit from ‘carer support,’ says RedArc

Offering employees ‘carer support’ would keep more of this pressured group in the workplace, says RedArc, following Carers UK releasing concerning figures that show 600 people a day* leave their job due to the demands of being a carer. According to the charity, 15 per cent (or one in seven)* of the working population are… Continue reading →

RedArc Nurses and Thrive app combine forces to offer insurers a ‘digital and human’ mental health app, akin to motor insurance ‘black box’

RedArc Nurses has partnered with Thrive Therapeutic Software’s mental health app to offer a new ‘digital and human’ approach to provide full-spectrum mental health support for insurers across protection and health insurances including both personal lines and group policies. Benefits for Insurers The partnership came about after both companies recognised a growing concern among insurers… Continue reading →

Increased early intervention, use of technology, and support for wellness will shape added value for 2019, predicts RedArc Nurses

Christine Husbands, managing director of RedArc Nurses says: “The pressure is on for insurers to differentiate their products, for advisers to add value and for employers to see a return on investment. Added-value benefits have been delivering on this for years but 2019 will be the year when added value is no longer simply a… Continue reading →

Orthopaedic and Mental Health are the most commonly referred conditions to Second Medical Opinion services, according to RedArc Nurses

There is now a greater emphasis on encouraging people to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, with access to preventative care, screening, and monitoring health. As part of this drive, insurers are increasingly keen to offer access to a Second Medical Opinion – as a further way to give people more control… Continue reading →

World Suicide Prevention Day

Insurers and employers should use World Suicide Prevention Day to ask themselves if they are doing enough, according to RedArc Nurses, who have seen a rise in the number of people with thoughts of suicide referred to their service. As almost every individual has a touch point with at least one insurance provider or an… Continue reading →

Parents of children with cancer need more support, says RedArc

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month – September 2018  There are 10,000* survivors of childhood cancer aged 24 and under living in the UK at present, and RedArc believes that insurers are well placed to offer ongoing support to their families. Whilst good psychological support is available for children and teens suffering from cancer via the NHS,… Continue reading →